We are currently in the process of trying to improve CancelledSciFi.com, to help take it to the next level of user experience and provide fuller coverage of sci fi and fantasy television. You may notice some changes over the coming weeks and months, and we ask for your patience as we work on improving the site. But in order to move forward, we need to look back on what we have been doing and see what is important to our regular readers as well as those who stop by from time to time. In the first poll below, please indicate which of our ongoing columns/features you read on a regular basis. You can select up to eight
Next, what would you like to see at CancelledSciFi.com that we have not done in the past or have only done on an infrequent basis. You can select up to eight, and if you select “Other”, please elaborate in the comments.
Finally, how do you feel about the ads on this site. I know that most people would prefer an ad-free experience, but the reality is that those pay the bills and make this site possible. I have avoided putting CancelledSciFi.com behind a paywall, but if you would be willing to subscribe to get no ads, let us know in the poll below.
Any other comments that you have on the site are appreciated. CancelledSciFi.com is proud to offer content that you can’t find on other entertainment sites, as well as no AI-driven content, and we would like to continue with that in the years to come. We are happy to hear your comments and if you would like to participate as we improve and enhance the site, let us know.