Shadowhunters was cancelled after its ratings dropped off, but it developed a devoted fanbase who are still fight for the show today.
What Is It?
This urban fantasy series is based on the Mortal Instruments book series by Cassandra Clare and follows a young woman who discovers on her eighteenth birthday that she is half human and half angel. She has powers that she never knew she possessed and she joins up with a group known as Shadowhunters who protect humans from demons and other supernatural menaces. The first book in the series was adapted as the feature film The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones in 2013, but it did not fare well at the Box Office. The TV series took the story to the small screen with plans to adapt all of the books in the series and perhaps carry on from there.
Aired: Freeform, 2016-19, 3 Seasons Totaling 55 Episodes
Starring: Katherine McNamara, Dominic Sherwood, Alberto Rosende, Matthew Daddario, Emeraude Toubia
Developed By: Ed Decter
Why Was It Cancelled?
When this show first debuted on Freeform in January 2016, it had one of the most-watched premieres ever for that cable network. The numbers slipped after that, but it still had decent ratings for a basic cable entry across most of its first two seasons. In addition, since it appealed to a younger-skewing audience who were very active online, it had good “stickiness” on the social networks which essentially acted as free promotion for the show. It also did well in digital viewing, but by the third season the ratings had dropped further and its future was not quite as clear.
The show’s production company Constantin lost its output deal with Netflix at that time–the streamer held the international distribution rights for Shadowhunters–and they turned to Freeform to help with finances for additional seasons. A deal could not be worked out, but the cable net insisted on at least a two-part finale to give the show the chance to wrap up its storylines. Ultimately, the show managed to cover through the sixth book in the series, though fans felt that it was rushed and deserved at least another full season.
How Did Fans Respond?
While the show did not have strong linear viewing numbers, especially in its third season, it developed a notably large fanbase which included those who watched it internationally on Netflix. Upon the news of the cancellation, they immediately came to its support and got the show trending on the social networks, staged watch parties, put up online petitions, and more. In addition, they raised money to put up billboards in Times Square and other locations and flew a “Save Shadowhunters” banner over the Netflix offices in Los Angeles (fans of The Expanse did a similar thing over Amazon studios). But despite their efforts, no fourth season announcement was forthcoming, and the show’s producer Martin Moszkowicz had the following to say about any sort of continuation:
It’s not possible for this version of Shadowhunters to continue. To our loyal and vocal fans who put so much behind making the show the popular series that it became, we extend our deepest thanks for your enduring support. The outpouring from the fandom from the start, and since the announcement of the show’s cancellation has indelibly touched all of us involved. Shadowhunters must come to an end. While we are trying to figure out new ways and new incarnations in which to bring the Shadow World to fans worldwide, we are sad to say that after many efforts by all parties involved, it’s not possible for this version of Shadowhunters to continue.
But the fans have remained diligent since the show went off the air and the online petition is still active (with over two hundred thousand signatures so far). And Shadowhunters continues to attract new fans with all three seasons available for streaming on Hulu in the U.S. and on Netflix worldwide. So the hope for a continuation remains alive.
Can It Be Revived?
Despite the comments by Moszkowicz above, there is always a chance in the entertainment industry that a show could rise from the grave. The fact that the fans have remained so passionate about Shadowhunters is a testament in itself that it struck a nerve with a notable segment of viewers. It has been two years since the show wrapped up, and now may be the perfect time for fans to resume their efforts. I’m not certain what deal Netflix made for the global rights, but usually whatever hold that streamer has on a property ends two years after the show has wrapped. So the rights may be back with Constantin and may have been with them the whole time. In addition, a fourth season of twenty episodes (the same count as the second and third) would get this close to what the syndication market prefers and big profits can be made there.
In the U.S., the show is streaming on Hulu and that would be a great location for a fourth season. The fans have already staged viewing parties for the show on that streaming service, but maybe a subscription drive to get people to sign up for Hulu to watch Shadowhunters would bring more attention (it appeals to the bottom line which network execs like). That along with getting the show trending again might revive interest. We are only two years removed from when the show ended, so now is still a good time to try once again to bring it back. This one definitely has the support of the fans, and a fourth season (or perhaps a few movies) would almost certainly bring a subscription boost to Hulu. With enough effort, this is definitely doable.
Did you watch Shadowhunters and would you support fan efforts to bring it back? Chime in below in the comments.
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I recently found the series and definitely got hooked. ….watched all the seasons/episodes back to back couldn’t stop lol….absolutely loved, was crushed when I found out there’s no more, had mixed emotions on the last episode
ugh..come on ya’ll. We need them back!!
please reconsider please bring back SHADOWHUNTERS
You simply cannot end this series now. Please reconsider.
I want to haveore series of them because it is a wonderful show. I love the actresses and the actors in the show. They do an amazing job playing the characters.
I absolutely love this show and watched while it aired and continue to rewatch. I wish it’d come back with a 4th season. There are so many questions and possibilities for the show. I hope someone somewhere will decide to come back with it. It’s one of those shows that can touch multiple generations.
I’ve read the books and just finished the series there’s so many unanswered questions and with the ending it left enough room for many more seasons to come, I need to see more do Magnes and Alec adopt madzy? Does clary remember everything? Has she been forgiven? Will izzy and Simon marry? Will Luke’s and raf’s transformation really be permanent? The other demond rhelms do they have wothy apponents? Does Jayces bond with clary fix the angles mistate? So many un explored avenues to venture down and I want to see them all
Such an amazing series best one yet never knew this existed??!! Really gutted that there’s no more to the series…literally cried through most scenes the actors did, felt so connected with the whole series. I need more!!!
Why oh why when I love a series they seem to end them time and again, get shadowhunters back with where it was left, think I need to cancel my netflix account
I haven’t watched Netflix shows for quite a while for this very reason. They keep killing things off and leaving them with no resolution. They have become just as bad as the old school broadcast networks.
why oh why was it cancelled. This series had so much more to bring and im still not dealing with they way it ended. Still crying

Please bring the shadowhunters back it is a great show there is so much more to see
I have read the books and enjoyed the series on Hulu. This could be such a wonderful continuation. The books have many side stories and characters to pursue.
Please bring the show back.
Bring it back.
Yes bring shadowhunters back I loved the show but it must be with all original cast members
Yes bring shadow hunters back with all original cast members I love it
I read the books, watch the movie and the series!! I love the actors they have in the series better then in the movie and wish they would continue it!!
Never too late for a reboot!
I just finished watching Shadowhunters for the third time, it is one of the best sci-fi shows I have ever watched. Please please please!! Bring back more episode in the series, please do not deprive us watchers of the chance to see Clary forgiven by the angels and reunited with jace and Simon and Izzy. I wish she would have actually gotten to do the parabati ceremony #BRINGITBACK!!!
I just do she’s watching shadow hunters all four seasons and I truly hope you will continue with more seasons to come I’ve subscribed to Netflix for years and never been so enticed to watch a series as I have with shadow hunters I would be extremely excited to so see clary’s redemption by the angels and continue the love story of clary and jayce as well as the new institution! Praying to the Netflix angels there will be more to come ! With love from Canada
Yess!! I agree!! #bringitback
Please could you bring season 4 to the shadowhunters as I really loved them!
It was a shame when Clary lost her runes so I think there should be another season!
I just finished binge watching shadow hunters. And I pray that there will be new seasons soon
I just finished watching Shadowhunters and I’m praying that they come back with a season 4. The way it was left off in season 3 leaves one wondering if the Angels have forgiven Clary and are slowly giving her back her gifts. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, come back with season 4 and with the good graces of God more seasons.
I am from India. Just finished watching this series. I think this is the best series I have watched after a long long time. This deserves to be continued. It’s amazing. Please please I beg to Netflix & the producer of Shadowhunters please bring new seasons of Shadowhunters..
I have loved this show since the first episode I watched. I have now rewatched it for the third time. I feel that a fourth season is a must. I would love to see Clary and Jace together again. Lets do it.
Bring it back!!!!!!!
I love this movie so much, not only me but my whole family did as well, am a Nigerian and I love this movie to be continued, have been watching this movie for 6 years now to the extent am now downloading it to get a proper understanding because am now seeing different versions and seasons of this movie here in Nigeria, am in the third season and it will break my heart if there isn’t a fourth season because am really looking forward to it. I love all the characters in the movies, especially the lovers in it I learn so much from Alec and Magnus. Please do consider a fourth season. Thank you.
Yes please bring back the shadow hunters. This show is fantastic. You can’t leave off like you did in season 3. We need to know if Jace and Clary end up with each other. Or if she remembers who she really is. Come on , you need to bring this show back.
Please bring back shadowhunters More seasons i l love it so much it’s the best show

I think if they would have done a better job of keeping people interested if they followed the book more. They wouldn’t have been able to rush it all so fast. Making each season a book would have brought 6 seasons. Killing Jocelyn was the first mistake. Don’t get me wrong had I not read the books I would have loved this series but unfortunately I read them before the movie or the show came out. But it’s the same reasons the movie did so poorly. Bad casting and the changes in the story line. Such as Simon being bit… when in fact he did the biting as a rat. When you change to much you lose the story lines for the next portion.
Loved shawdowhunters please bring it back I feel there is much more to tell
Please bring back shadow hunters. I love this show!!
Please bring Shadow Hunters back! It’s such an amazing cast and storyline.
The best series I’ve watched on Netflix in Western Australia.
There’s a huge fan base !
How can I sign up here I absolutely love shadow hunters WE NEED IT BACK ON OUR SCREENS
I own all the books and I could not stop watching the series I did not want it to end. It has all the thing that I love to watch like the drama, the fun the action the Suspense, the Relationship. I would so be wanting it to come back. Good thing never die and the Shadowhunters is the best thing I have seen in a long time
I just finished this show. I watched the whole thing in 5 days. I feel that the actors and the stories just found their footing and really started to shine when this show came to an end. I am not sure there is much more of this story to tell but I would watch episodes of this bunch hunting demons and solving issues caused by those “other demon realms” Jace mentioned. The characters are great. I love Magnus, he’s my favorite personally, and they could have gotten better. It is a show I would continue to watch and recommend.
Perhaps networks should give things a bit more time. There are soo many shows, soo many networks sometimes it takes people time to discover hidden gems. If Hulu were to stream a 4 + season of this show I would absolutely subscribe to Hulu (which I have not done at this time).
I love this program. It needs to be bought back. It was rushed and not given a good and proper ending. I have lost count the amount if times I have watched it. The cast are fantastic and need bringing back to do this . Kat and Dom have both said they would so make every one happy. Bring it back.
Shadowhunters is such a great show it’s made me watch nothing else, I would love if it got just 1 more season as a ending for clary and jace they deserve to be together and have a happy ending like magnus and Alec. I beg you to bring it back
I’ve watched this show over and over now and really look forward for more. Place revive it and bring more episodes out.
Please put shadow hunters back on the air please please please
This show needs too be revived it has soo much potential and it has all the qualities of a good show I’ve watched it over for the second time this timenwith mt partner and even he loves it it needs too be brought back the fans love it please
Plz revive Shadowhunters. But plz bring in Lucifer Morningstar (Tom Ellis) and his demon into the next season.
His demons NAME is Mazikeen or Maze for short
Please bring back shadowhunters best show it’s the only thing I’m watching at the moment
Please bring shadowhunters back we have so many bad tv shows that don’t make sense this show is the best show I ever saw please bring it back if Netflix won’t take it and free-form won’t take it its already showing seasons 1 to 3 on hulu why not make new shadowhunter episodes and stream on hulu please bring it back
Shadow hunters is a great show I started watching it last year I’m picky about the shows I watch me saying that they should do a few more seasons is really saying something I’ve done binge watched it 3 times in the past year
I started watching Shadowhunters a month ago. I am posting this comment before I watched the very last episode of season 3. Season 3 has the most emotional parts in it than the rest of the seasons. You have got to bring Shadowhunters back even though I haven’t watched the last episode of season 3 I know the show is no longer being streamed but for those of us that fell in love with this show it’s saddens us and we would like for you to bring it back.
Tranen gevloeid, niet normaal. Wat een einde. Ik wil zo graag dat Clary weer terug komt. Als het ook maar enigzins mogelijk is, zou ik het fantastisch vinden als er een vervolg zou koomen.
Clary heeft engelenbloed, dus kan ze niet al haar herinneringen kwijt zijn.
En liefde overwint alles.
De engelen zouden Clary staffen, maar uiteindeijk is het Jace die gestraft is. Clary weet van niks en Jace kan haar niet laten gaan.
Echt, laat er een vervolg komen.
Watched the entire series for a fourth time. I’ve just got to see what happens with Jace and Clary! She regains her sight. They are my favourite part of the entire show. Even my mother in law loves the series, shes watching for a third time! Praying for another season to answer all my unanswered questions
Just finished watching the show, i love it so much and am so sad that it’s over. If there is any possible chance for it to come back it would be the best thing ever, I have to see what happens next with clary and jace and how the whole shadow world has changed for the better. Please bring it back!

Love this show, and I pray you bring it back. Its awesome.
It needs to come back best show
I would really like to see this come back. I just started watching this past weekend and am half way through the second season. I am so hooked and am irritated knowing I only have one season left. Please please bring the show back on Hulu or Netflix I don’t care I just want it back.
Yes they definitely should bring the show back the ending of season 3 left the angels looking petty and shallow. Clary and jace went though literal hell to save the world and do the angels work and all the angels done was spit their dummy out and punished them, if they didn’t want her creating new ruins then they should have gave her a different abilit. Personally if I was jace I would have thrown my sword down and told them to fight their own battles.
Watched every season for it… Craving for more. I request the shows director producer to please bring it back with another season.
I agree 100 percent u need to bring the shadow hunters back and stop canceling all the good shows out in the world just because numbers may not look exactly as u wanted to at first it happens Shii don’t happen over night like for real u have to at least bring a season 4 or something for shadow hunters it’s not right just to cancel cuz u feel like it without actuall logical reasoning so as I been saying bring shadow hunters back now and same people perforable thank you
I do want their to be another season. I was and still am devastated that it ended. If they brought it back I’d be sooo freakin excited. Please please please bring it back:)
I am confused by the comments saying the show should be picked up and return for Season 4… because there is a season 4?
I just finished watching everything.
There is a Season 4 and if I remember correctly as it had been years aince I read the book, the show pretty much ended on the same plane as the book.
Didnt know this was even cancelled in the first place.
Technically, the show had three seasons. When it was announced that it would end, two additional episodes were added to the third season to wrap up as many storylines as possible. But fans still wanted the show to continue beyond that.
I loved the series watched it and would buy it if was available. Would luv to b able to to continue to watch it if u were to bring it back
Please bring back Shadowhunters! This show is my all time FAVORITE!
Please bring back shadowhunters

it’s my absolute favourite series.
The best thing that could be said this year… “Shadowhunters Return”

Please bring shadowhunters back I love the series a lot, I want more of it.
Please bring back shadow hunters I’ve watched it over and over really would love to see more
I am a 72 year old fan this IMHO is one of the best Sci Fantasy series ever and some Muppet decides to pull the plug on it
Plz bring shadow hunters back please i was devastated when I watched the last episode plz add more episodes
Please please bring Shadowhunters
back we love watching it here please come to agreements on the show wish you would bring it back
I love shadowhunters I have watched it more then 10 time they should bring it back because I would like to know if claire becomes a shadowhunter again
I have watched this show a couple times and I love it wish they would make a fourth season or even make some movies about it it was be a great thing to do as people would love to see more of the show as it really is like the best tv show to be watching
This is and always will be the best tv show ever made. I have watched all 3 seasons twice now and it is amazing. Shadowhunters fans are the best and we genuinely want it to come back so all you big television stations out there come on give us what we want. If it came back (please please please) bring all the original cast from the series back to be in it.
Give series 4 a chance come on the fan base is there . So many shows on that are ok this show was phenomenal.
Was a great series sad to see it come to an end from New Zealand and both myself and partner are great fans, would love to see it come back and be revived in sure it’ll do well with all the supernatural fans out there now days be a wise decision to do wouldn’t you think win,win for both fans and producers
Big it back it was really good love waching it over and over agen
There is so many bad series out there so bad that they don’t make sense.
ShadowHunter was one of the best I will put it as great as the Vampire Dairy .
Let’s go guys bring it back…..
Netflix do this for us your devoted subscribers please.
Watched it 2 times and love it, this show could go so far and make a lot of money, why stop now. The right move it to contrive it!
i know im late to this show but this is one of the best shows I’ve ever watched and I demand a new ending for Clary and jace there love was ??
? lets bring back this show
? plz ?
Please bring back shadowhunters, there is always another storyline with it and the Clary and Jace ending just needs to lead to a new story! Please please please bring it back!
Bring back Shadowhunters I love it I need to know what happened with everyone with the last one showing them all in good relationship and Jace finding his love and she knowing who he is again I must have more please bring back at least one more season
Det är fjärde gången jag ser serien, och väntar bara på att en ny Sesong ska börja.. Slutet gjorde bara att det måste fortsätta.. Annars är det ju bortkastad matrial.. Det måste komma fler… Please please please… För mig är den superbra.. Både spännande och romantisk..
Bring it back i love shadow hunters watchef it so many times now bring it to a new series
Love the show but the ending was crap should keep it going could do so much more with it.
Please continue with shadow hunter don’t let a good season dead i cry for a week and it pain my heart when I hear that season three was the last please give the movie a better ending I love this season so much ???
Please continue with the movie it pain my heart when I hear that season four was the last season ??
I just started watching shadowhunters about 3 weeks ago and I live it. I’m on my 3rd season. I hope the keep making more of it.
They’re not making any more. I just finished it too and genuinely it was the best si-fi show I’ve watched so far. The plot, the cast, the props and acting is amazing. Hopefully one day they may listen to us and renew it but for now we get no more sadly.
I absolutely love watching shadowhunters , I can watch this over and over again. And I would absolutely love if they brought back shadowhunters. Please bring this back! And I still watch shadowhunters on Freeform.
I wish that 2 please
Loved it
Watched three times so far.
Read all 6 books of TMI
Now I am reading TID from Cassandra Claire.
The series opened my eyes to the books but what I longed to see is the series picking up more of the books
and have a season 4 (3B)or 5, whichever you may wanna call it.
I love rewatching shadow hunters and wish it would come back on.
I really don’t what say but all I know is that I watch the series all the time and I have all the books and I can’t way for the next one . I have a bookstore near my house and we are on first name baise
and when I find out there is a new book out she already ordered it . If and when the series is back you bet I will be watching and my daughter.
This show was and will still be amazing
I do really hope than one day a new season will come for us. And would be awesome for Shadowhunters to come back
I discovered the entire Shadow World too late, dammit! I absolutely loved City of Bones and watch it over and over. The series did cause me to miss the original film stars but I recovered quickly and savored every episode.
I no longer subscribe to HULU but still watch the movie and the film on, I believe, the Freeform App. (I’m old and get lost in the world of apps. but do still see the whole Shadow World nonetheless.)
I would absolutely support any return of the story with the exception of Anime as I’m burned out on that.
Too, I wish the the novels were written for an older audience capable of appreciating four syllable words. Too bad the author is so hooked on Young Adult novels and has no Old Fogey books to offer!
Me too. I then bought all the audiobooks i could find and listen to them as i go to sleep. I dream well.
I have watched the series all time and I have all the books. I wish they would bring it back and I am in my 60’s. When a new book comes out I am there buying it.
Please dont make the big mistake ending the shadowhunters i realy feal there is so much more to this story and I think many many others like me prays for for a comeback so plz netflix do the right thing
Please bring the show back. Magnus and Alex were my favorite. It was great to see my community represented and not in a girly way.