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Streaming Finds: Helps You Search the Streaming Services for Sci Fi TV Shows and Movies

Streaming Finds: Tracking down sci fi and fantasy shows of interest available on the streaming services.

Looking to see if a particular sci fi / fantasy TV show or movie is available on one of the many, many (many) streaming services? Well, you could keep up with our regular Streaming Finds column or check our comprehensive list of the genre shows on the major streaming services (see links below), or you could use the site as your search engine. If you go there and type in the name of a TV series and/or movie, it will let you know what streaming services (if any) are currently carrying it. This includes providing basic info on the show and letting you know which sites you can buy it VOD as well. You can select a particular service to narrow your search and the site has quite a number of the streamers in its database including the recently launched DC Universe. (A hint for searching: always best to click the reset button before doing a new search because the interface is kind of clunky and keeps your old filters unless you take them off). Using this site, I discovered that Gerry Anderson’s UFO is streaming on Tubi TV, all five seasons of Fringe are available for free at IMDb Freedrive, Legend of the Seeker is streaming on, and more. does not have every streaming service out there on its site, i.e. it is missing Shout Factory TV which has several sci fi gems available including Space: 1999. But it still has a very comprehensive database and it is a good place to start when you are looking for sci fi and fantasy viewing options on the streaming services. It also lets you select which country you are in so that it will filter out shows that might be available in Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, etc., but not the U.S and vice versa (plus, you can see what they have that we aren’t getting). It is definitely a very useful site and it is completely free. So when you are trying to track down the 1990 live action The Flash series (available on DCU) or the original Battlestar: Galactica (available at or the 1967 Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (steaming on Prime Video), will help you find those and more. Note that sometimes their listing are out of date, but more often than not I have found them to be accurate.

Search for Sci Fi and Fantasy TV and Movies at

Click on the following links for a comprehensive list of the Sci Fi TV Shows available on Netflix | Prime Video | Hulu | Other Services

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