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Sci Fi TV Listings for the Week of August 1st: Mostly Business as Usual Except for Another Critters-Run-Amok Flick on Syfy

2-lava-2-lantulaThere are no premieres or finales this week as it is mostly (slow) business as usual for the Summer months. This week actually has the lowest number of genre shows airing that we have seen in a long time. But that will start ramping up shortly as the Fall season is less than two months away (you can get a preview of that schedule at this link). For critters-run-amok fans (assuming Sharknado week was not enough for them), Syfy offers its sequel to Lavalantula on Saturday, the nonsensically titled 2 Lava 2 Lantula. Note that on Sunday, TNT’s The Last Ship is airing a repeat but will pick back up with new episodes the following week.  See the full listings at our partner

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