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Sci Fi TV Listings for the Week of May 23rd: Season Finales and the Return of Wayward Pines

wayward-pinesThis is the final week of the 2015-16 season with almost all of the shows wrapping up or already having had their season finales by this point.  The finales for this week are Gotham (FOX), The Flash (CW), Stitchers (Free), Arrow (CW), and Supernatural (CW).  Some of the Spring and late season shows are still going and will carry over into the Summer months.  Premiering this week is FOX’s Wayward Pines which returns for its second season, shifting its timeslot to Wednesday at 9 PM EST.  And the Summer season kicks off officially next week with several premieres (see Highlights section below) and I will be getting that schedule posted likely in the coming week.  Additional notes for this week: Person of Interest has a double episode on Tuesday.  And on Sunday, AMC’s Preacher repeats its season premiere and then its discussion show Talking Preacher starts after that.  See the full listings at our partner

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