Unless otherwise noted, the ratings numbers below are based on the final overnights and may vary slightly from the preliminaries reported on the Cancelled Sci Fi Twitter Site.
Ratings results for the sci fi / fantasy shows airing Monday Apr 6th thru Wednesday Apr 8th (analysis and metric definitions below):
Note: The Monday broadcast network shows were covered in the previous Cancellation Watch post.
[Updated: For Agents of SHIELD spin-off announcement, see below]
The Returned A&E Mon 4/6 10 PM
Rating: 0.4 | % Chng PW: 0.0% | Tot Viewers (MM): 1.1 | StD Rating: 0.8 | Target: 0.8 | Cancellation Alert: Moderate
No improvement for this one, but it hasn’t slipped either like Dig did last week. I still think its future looks less than promising.
The Flash (R) CW Tue 4/7 8 PM
Rating: 0.5 | % Chng PW: n/a | Tot Viewers (MM): 1.6 | StD Rating: 1.4 | Target: 0.9 | Cancellation Alert: Renewed
Repeat. Resumes new episodes next week.
Agents of SHIELD ABC Tue 4/7 9 PM
Rating: 1.5 | % Chng PW: +7.1% | Tot Viewers (MM): 4.2 | StD Rating: 1.6 | Target: 2.0 | Cancellation Alert: Medium
A slight improvement. But is it enough? (More on this one below)
iZombie CW Tue 4/7 9 PM
Rating: 0.7 | % Chng PW: 0.0% | Tot Viewers (MM): 1.8 | StD Rating: 0.7 | Target: 0.7 | Cancellation Alert: Renewed
It held steady and with only a repeat of The Flash as its lead-in. I count that as an accomplishment.
Forever ABC Tue 4/7 10 PM
Rating: 0.9 | % Chng PW: -18.2% | Tot Viewers (MM): 4.1 | StD Rating: 1.1 | Target: 1.6 | Cancellation Alert: Medium
What happened to the momentum it was building? Its chances are slipping. (More on this one below)
Person of Interest CBS Tue 4/7 10 PM
Rating: 1.3 | % Chng PW: n/a | Tot Viewers (MM): 8.7 | StD Rating: 1.6 | Target: 1.7 | Cancellation Alert: Low
It dropped because of its on again / off again status, but it has enough separation from the CBS shows below it that I believe it is still safe.
Arrow (R) CW Wed 4/8 8 PM
Rating: 0.3 | % Chng PW: n/a | Tot Viewers (MM): 1.2 | StD Rating: 1.0 | Target: 0.9 | Cancellation Alert: Renewed
Repeat. Resumes new episodes next week.
Supernatural (R) CW Wed 4/8 9 PM
Rating: 0.3 | % Chng PW: n/a | Tot Viewers (MM): 1.0 | StD Rating: 0.8 | Target: 0.9 | Cancellation Alert: Renewed
Repeat. Resumes new episodes next week.
As for Forever, which is in the lead-out slot from AoS, I’m thinking that one’s chances are sinking. On Tuesday, it slipped to a 0.9 rating with 4.1 million total viewers which matches its low point. It seemed like it was making a surge last week, but with it dropping on Tuesday its chances of survival are looking slimmer now. If you look at that same list of ABC shows mentioned above, you will see it is at the bottom and TV by the Numbers has it as certain to be cancelled. I’m still holding out hope that its delayed viewing numbers–where it has been performing better–will help it win a second season and prove that the networks really are looking beyond the overnights. And for that reason I am holding it at a Medium Cancellation Alert level. But if it ends up getting the ax, the old formula definitely predicted it.
Vampire Diaries is a repeat tonight and I will post the results for Dig and Olympus when they are available later tomorrow or early Saturday. Be sure keep an eye on the Cancelled Sci Fi Twitter Site for the latest numbers and any breaking news throughout the week. You can see the status of all the currently airing sci fi / fantasy shows at the Cancellation Watch page. And for more information on where I get these numbers and how I make my Cancellation Alert assessments, check out the Cancelled Sci Fi FAQ.
Metric Definitions:
Rating: Overnight rating in the 18-49 demographic for same day viewing based on the final numbers unless otherwise noted
% Chng PW: The percentage change +/- for this week’s rating vs. last week’s rating.
Tot Viewers: Estimated total viewers (age 2+) to tune in to the episode for same day viewing.
StD Rating: Season to date average for the rating metric tracked above.
Target: The estimated average rating that the show needs to sustain to get renewed.
Cancellation Alert: My prediction of the likelihood that a show will get cancelled. From least to most likely the statuses are Low, Moderate, Medium, Elevated, and High.
Ratings Source: TV by the Numbers and ShowBuzzDaily
Nielsen TV Ratings: ©2014 The Nielsen Company. All Rights Reserved.