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Cancellation Watch Breaking News: 12 Monkeys Gets Renewed and New Showrunners

12-monkeys-syfy-cancelledSyfy announced yesterday that their new series 12 Monkeys would be coming back for a second season and that it would be seeing a change in its showrunners.  Current showrunner Natalie Chaidez will be focusing on a new series she will be doing for Syfy Hunters, and she will be replaced by Terry Matalas and Travis Fickett.  12 Monkeys has not delivered great ratings in its first season and I have had it at a Medium Cancellation Alert level.  Though I did theorize that the network might stick with it because it fits in well with their move back to more science fiction oriented scripted programming.  Apparently that is what they chose to do, but I’m wondering in the change in showrunners might be a way to shake things up and maybe try and reinvigorate the audience.  In any case, the show now gets a new lease on life and a chance to build up its audience.  There has been no word on Helix yet, currently in its second season, but its ratings have been worse and I consider it very likely to get cancelled at this point.

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