I have set up this sub-reddit to be a primary news source for sci fi / fantasy television and also to act as a clearing house for campaigns to save cancelled/endangered genre shows. You will need to sign up for a Reddit account (it’s free, easy, and if you don’t already have one then get on it!) and then you can follow the latest posts and submit your own links and/or commentaries. I am also looking at this to provide a one-stop-shop for campaigns trying to save cancelled shows where fans have a central location to go to and they can upvote the post to bring more attention to the show’s plight.
Here’s the basic rundown for posting info on a Save My Show campaign: First sign up for a Reddit account if you do not already have one. Submit a text post which includes the full information on how the campaign is trying to bring attention to the show’s cause. This will include links to blog sites, Facebook pages, Twitter pages, petition sites, etc. (click on the formatting help link at the bottom of the Text Post box for info on how to format links, etc.). Then message the moderators and we will pin this post and/or include it in the sidebar. ONLY ONE POST PER SHOW PLEASE. If there are multiple efforts from different sources to bring attention to the show, include that in the comments. The goal is for fans to be able to go to ONE PLACE and find out what they need to do to contribute (see a sample template at this link). And please be sure to follow good reddiquette when posting and commenting.
Hopefully this will provide one more tool in the fans’ arsenal for trying to save a cancelled/endangered sci fi TV show. And also, hopefully the Cancelled Sci Fi Reddit Site will become a good news source for genre television as well as a place for fans to gather and discuss their favorite shows.