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Cancellation Watch: Revolution’s Numbers Drop a Bit, Walking Dead Rises

NBC’s Revolution returned after a one week break and saw its numbers slip a bit to a 3.0 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 7.9 million total viewers (its prior airing from two weeks ago pulled a 3.4 rating).  It’s hard to say whether this points to return to the show’s ratings decline or if the numbers were impacted by Hurricane Sandy as many places along the East Coast experienced blackouts and/or people were just more concerned about getting out of harm’s way than watching Prime Time television.  CBS and The CW ran repeats on the night, expecting lower numbers, so check back next week to see if Revolution‘s numbers rebound.  And even at a 3.0 rating, it is still beating its competition in that timeslot and remains safe for now.

AMC’s The Walking Dead elevated its numbers back up near the stratosphere with its third episode of its third season.  This episode that brought us our first meeting with the Governor pulled a 5.4 rating in the 18-49 demo and 10.51 million total viewers.  And that rating once again beat everything on the broadcast networks last week with the exception of Sunday Night Football.  Plus, a repeat of the same episode at the 10 PM EST hour pulled a 1.6 rating making it the second highest watched cable show of the night behind the 9 PM airing of the ep.  I’m guessing these numbers will start to drift downward in the coming weeks–based on typical trends for a show throughout the season–but it still has a good chance of ending the year as the top-rated series among the cable and broadcast networks.

Over on ABC on Sunday night, Once Upon A Time improved its numbers to a 3.4 rating in the 18-49 demo and 9.85 MM total viewers while 666 Park Ave slipped to a 1.6 rating and 4.6 million total viewers.  It seems pretty certain at this point that the latter show will ride out its thirteen episode order and then ABC will let it fade into television oblivion unless fans make some sort of effort to keep the show alive.

And Syfy’s Haven continues its up and down course on Friday nights as it pulled only a 0.3 rating and 1.4 million total viewers.  It seems like that one’s days are numbered, but then all of Syfy’s shows have been struggling of late, so its hard to say for sure.

I will post the early returns for the Wednesday thru Friday genre shows at the Cancellation Watch Twitter Site, so keep an eye on that for those numbers.  And you can see the Cancellation Alert status of all the shows currently airing plus the final results from prior seasons at my Cancellation Watch page.  And for questions on how the ratings work and my Cancellation Alert statuses, you can see the Cancellation Watch FAQ.

Ratings Source: TV by the Numbers

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