Vote to Save Revolution, Almost Human, Dracula, The Tomorrow People, and More

revolution-s2The networks issued their verdicts last week and cancelled eight sci fi / fantasy shows.  But now it’s your turn to speak up and vote for which of this season’s ill-fated genre shows should be saved.  Below is the list of all ten series that were cancelled over the course of the 2013-14.  Vote on which ones you believe should continue on.  And once these are tallied, I will pass the results on to the networks where they will mean . . . . . . . . . . . . . very little.

The fact is that the broadcast nets and cable channels pay very little attention to internet polls, so I can’t tell you these results can save your favorite cancelled shows.  But as fans of these shows continue their Save My Show campaigns, they can point to these results as well as their many petitions and trending Twitter topics to prove that the support is out (Also see the Cancelled Sci Fi Reddit Site as another way to publicize fan efforts to save a show).  It’s one more log (maybe just a twig) to fuel the fire and convince the networks (or Netflix/Amazon) that these shows have plenty of fans and are worth saving.

And a note to all the fans of shows that are not Revolution: that one is going to kick your butt in this poll if the previous poll is any indication.  But you can at least shoot for a strong second place!

So vote and pass the info along to get other fans to vote as well.  Then check back frequently to see how your show is doing or follow the Cancelled Sci Fi Twitter Site for regular poll updates.


What are the best sci fi and fantasy TV shows of the Fall 2024 season? Cast your vote


[yop_poll id=”3″]

Why Were They Cancelled?

Cancelled-Sci-Fi-CoverThe Plight of Science Fiction and Fantasy Television in the Face of the Unforgiving Nielsens and Networks

Ever wondered why your favorite science fiction and/or fantasy show disappeared from the television schedule, never to deliver anymore new episodes? The reason why, most likely, is that it was cancelled because its ratings were low. And this book looks at those many cancelled sci fi/fantasy shows as well as the Neilsen ratings and television networks that dictate their fates.

Available now for only $1.99 on Kindle from

Author: admin

122 thoughts on “Vote to Save Revolution, Almost Human, Dracula, The Tomorrow People, and More

  1. im also voting to save Revolution, along with the tomorrow people. Revolution by far is a great story i just watched both shows 3seasons binged watched over this week on Netflix. i hope there are enough people that are helping this cause. icould see arrow, flash, vampire diaries, and the originals go all four shows went down hill i stopped watching them

  2. Why other than overall ratings maybe every1 didnt get to watch or vote but the Tomorrow People was a great show i 100% loved the and if the CW canceled it why cant some other network get. the tomorrow people is so much better than arrow, flash, just two off the top of my head. i hope my voice is heard and at least stick season 2 on netfix. why cant syfy pick up the tomorrow people. well i hope my voice helps a really awesome show.

  3. I want to express my sadness when i saw the Dracula series cancelled.
    I love sci-fi series but sick of watching teenage character series. I did not heard about the Dracula series on tv, but a friend told me about it and then when i saw it, i could not stop watching because it’s so amazing.
    The story is so good, the actors so well chosen, the action arrest us to see it more, it has it all to continue and there are so very good questions at the end to go on.
    The character Dracula its so well done, faithful to the original, brutal and passionate. I`d love to see more of Dracula/Vlad battling with the hunger, the revenge, the love.
    I just cant resigned with this end, i m desirous to see them all again especially Jonathan Rhys Meyers, hr puts so much passion on their characters that we can feel it, he is a natural hearts taker, he deserves the effort of any struggle to do the show with him, in every episode he makes me want to see the next, there is no tedium watching him, is the perfect Dracula. Please make them do many more seasons, the series has so much potential, so petty to waste it. And the fans deserve the best effort.

  4. Please bring back Dracula. If NBC doesn’t want to bring back the show, then at least Netflix or SyFy should pick it up. The show is far superior to many of the shows on the above list, and it would be such a waste if it were to end at this point because there are too many unanswered questions. We need to know what happens next!

  5. Star crossed was a great show me & my hunni would really like to know what happens next! Revolution is awesome as well I can’t believe eve they canceled these 2 great shows!!!

  6. I agree with the bad publicity of Dracula, the worst time slot ever, across from blue Bloods, which no one can compete, and the fact that before the ink was dry on the cancellation, that NBC was announcing a new show in its place. But, the thing that makes me the maddest, is the tweets about stars “not showing up for work’ let me ask any of you. If you were an actor, in front of the camera 12-15 hours a day and all of a sudden, 2 of your family members died, close members, and you filmed a scene, rushed home for their funerals, then rushed back to have your face jammed in front of a camera, how would you react? Yes, this is their job, yet, some things are hard to come right back from. Then to have some smart ass journalist spread some crap out there with some of the facts omitted. Its a crime. the fact is, the fans and the viewership, AFTER people knew it was out there rose greatly for Dracula, and they deserve another season. Then if it doesn’t work out it doesn’t. But how much you wanna bet me it does, NBC?

    1. it was a mayjor dick move of NBC to cancel it. It was a perfectly good vampire show and hate to see it go down the tube. And do to how the first season ended, we’re left in the dark not knowing what will happen next.

  7. I think that is all that were canceled deserves to be brought back, or the same network or another, all who are voting in the poll are showing their love for the series that is a fan and is very beautiful. 😀

  8. Personally I love Dracula, Almost Human, and Being Human. Don’t just vote. Sign petitions, contact the channel who broadcast the show yourself, contact other channels and try to convince them to pick up the show you wanna see again. Get your friends to do the same. Effort can go a long way.

  9. StarCrossed fans are dedicated and united. Follow this FB page that i follow
    We all are working to save star-crossed, we are all having a spaghetti dinner virtually on June 2nd during the time of the show and posting the picture of us eating the spaghetti on FB , Instagram and Twitter add the hashtag #StarCrossed and send it to @cbs @cbsTVstudios @netflix @CW_network @WarnerBrosEnt

  10. Save Dracula, the only show I watched on NBC…. won’t watch anything on that network now… NOTHING!
    This fabulous show is extremely well written, and cast……love JRM…. bring them back!

  11. We want Revolution to stay! Lets do awy with all the Reality Shows instead and all those Re Runs and CSI Police Shows.etc.

  12. We have to save starcrossed it’s so interesting and the love stories are awesome ! I haven’t watched a series as as good as this in years! Starcrossed is our winner! #starcrossed

  13. Asked already but you did not reply.
    We would like to know when is this poll ending please.

    #SaveDracula #NetflixSaveDracula

    1. It is now set to end midnight Friday May 30th. I heard that some people were having trouble voting and it appeared to be a browser issue. I have done what I can to fix on my side and it seems to have helped.

  14. Plain and simply “Dracula” needs a season 2…ground work done in season 1. A season 2 ….. ENDLESS OPTIONS! JRM can take you there…..

  15. Would you have changed the voting date if the Dracula Fans had requested more time if we were losing? I followed your rules. Now you change them.

    1. It’s not about which show gets the most votes. It’s about how many votes EACH show is getting. Dracula is well in the lead and looks to stay there. But even if Revolution fans staged a massive vote campaign and pulled ahead, that doesn’t hurt Dracula. It’s not like the winner gets renewed and all the rest stay cancelled. I have been sharing this data with the networks each week (though I have received zero response from them), so they have to see there are dedicated fans out there following both shows (and Star-Crossed as well).

  16. out of all these shows dracula is my favourite i cant believe its been cancelled i loved the first season jonathon rhys meyers is an oustanding actor nd played the part of dracula perfectly it was full of fantastic episodes that kept you wanting more if this does not get another season are be beyond sad please somebody pick this show us !

  17. Dracula. It was a great show, adventure, romance, gore, beautiful costumes, sets, story line. I could go on forever



  20. Una segunda temporada del Dracula del siglo 21, por favor!!!
    Los 10 capítulos iniciales, de la primera temporada, fueron fantásticos: actores y actrices espléndidos, ambientación excelente, un guión de lo más interesante en el giro que presenta a la tradicional historia de Stocker.
    Y un personaje, Alexander Grayson, -para el cual encontraron el actor perfecto en Jonathan Rhys Meyers-, que seduce con su complejidad! En realidad no puedo asegurar que Jonathan sea perfecto para Alexander, porque creo que Alexander es tan atractivo porque Jonathan lo compone con toda su brillante sensualidad y versatilidad para expresar todo tipo de emociones, tal como exige el ingenioso guión!
    El hecho es que Jonathan y Alexander ya son inseparables!! Y queremos seguir disfrutando verlos!!!

  21. Heads up. Kevin Reilly (FOX executive) is holding onto Almost Humans license despite cancelling it, claiming not to be able to profit from it. This may result in the series being stalled and preventing it from being shopped to another network or online media. So fans really are making a difference in that FOX knows they messed up this series ‘that much’. Please help us out if you can. by Megan Riffey

  22. Please bring Dracula back…I’m totally hooked on it…The ratings must have been good, so many people I know watched it. Come on NBC, I’ve stayed loyal to you when you dropped Ann Curry like a piece of garbage (I still think it was a huge mistake) but I stayed with the Today show. If you cancel Dracula, I will be done. How can you leave the story like that????? It means we wasted a year of watching it for what? I dvr’ed it weekly. If NBC doesn’t pick it up, I sure hope another station will. I can’t understand a network canceling a popular program & you can forget ME watching any of your new programs. NBC executives sounds to me like a bunch of idiots who don’t care what the fans of these shows think or want. Seriously, did any of you ever go to the fan sites? the facebook page? and READ how into it so many people were. I’m disgusted with you NBC.

    1. Couldn’t of said it any better…I’ve signed, voted in polls, all day, days…whatever it would take..I’m with you, I’m done with NBC.

  23. Funny..whenever a vote for Revolution goes up, like 10votes immediately are triggered for Dracula. I suspect something foul in your voting system…

    1. May be because we Dracula fans are outraged, we and our show were very bad treated by nbc. I know they messed up with the schedule of yours too, and Revolution ratins were damaged by that, I read Revolution fans complaints in nbc fb page. But our show was given only 10 episodes, in the worst of all time slots, so NBC incompetence damaged it much more. We are also focusing in this poll, where the actual numbers (not %) are given inmediately. Many of us don’t trust other polls, for example like the one set up by peoplechoice, which in the past has demonstrated extraordinary good numbers for the CW shows, wich seems strange given the fact that CW has the smaller viewership of all networks.
      Finally, many of us are not regular tv viewers, those who use to watch 10 or 20 hours tv/week. We found a rare gem in Dracula, and we’re completely commited to not lose it.
      By the way, Revolution fans have my sympathy and support, I have also put some votes for your show.

    2. Uh, nothing fowl going on here, just hoards of us die-hard Dracula fans voting around the clock to show our devotion to the masterpiece that is, DRACULA. Not our fault the Revolution fans seemingly aren’t voting as hard or as frequently as us. With that said, off to do some more voting for Dracula. THE DRAC PACK FOREVER!! Dracula Lives Eternal!!!

  24. If NBC cancels “Revolution” our entire network fo friends and family will stop watching the NBC network, including MSNBC cable news! People are disgusted with NBC constantly cancelling great shows! NBC recently cancelled Almost Human too….after only 1 season! Who does their ratings?? The lower ratings of these two shows is directly related to the poor management direction and scheduling by NBC staff! NBC will continue to lose viewers due to cancelling shows like these! FOX, TNT and SyFy have better programming and are far better at retaining viewership anyways…..and I wouldn’t be surprised if one of those other networks picks up Revolution and Almost Human. We’ll all be watching over there…:)

  25. If NBC cancels “Revolution” our entire network fo friends and family will stop watching the NBC network, including MCNBC cable news! People are disgusted with NBC constantly cancelling great shows! NBC recently cancelled Almost Human too….after only 1 season! Who does their ratings?? The lower ratings of these two shows is directly related to the poor management direction and scheduling by NBC staff! NBC will continue to lose viewers due to cancelling shows like these! FOX, TNT and SyFy have better programming and are far better at retaining viewership anyways…..and I wouldn’t be surprised if one of those other networks picks up Revolution and Almost Human. We’ll all be watching over there…:)

  26. Please save #StarCrossed this show deserves a proper chance, which it never got in the first place. I love StarCrossed and all the characters especially Roman. Please please please save StarCrossed.

    1. MRH, the petition has already been sent to NBC executives Robert Greenblatt and Jennifer Salt by Catherine Flynn, the person who wrote it, in installments of 10,000 in late February and March, and 5,000 more one week or so before the deadline May 11. The last 5000 signatures were only emailed, due to the proximity of deadline, but the first two 10.000 were emailed and also sent via FedEx, in a beautiful arrangement package containing also the hundreds of pages of viewers wonderful comments (this is a photo They have it, and obviously disregarded it, if they ever got to read it. They also ignored the thousands of mails, messages and posts on, and nbc and dracula fb pages. Never a feedback, never at least a “received”, never nothing.
      The disconnect and contempt of this network to the viewership is appalling.
      What they did the same day they cancelled Dracula, while we were in shock with the bad news given minutes before by Cole Haddon (creator of the show) in a tweet …I mean NBC posting in Dracula fb page and tweeting in Dracula twitter account promoting ANOTHER show, is unforgivable.

      1. Jennifer Salke, I don’t know where the salt came from. Freud would say that my unconcious betrayed me and I had a Freudian slip. May be deep down I have a picture of the scene where Renfield is tortured by pouring salt over his wounds… but with some network executives taking the place of Renfield?

  27. What if Jonathon has other stuff now and doesn’t want to do this show? I think we should see what he want

    1. Mistery, Jonathan has two movies to be shot this year in his schedule (“The Secret Scripture” and “London Town”), but he already said that his contract for Dracula was “for years”, and that has not changed. He never said he is not willing to do Dracula. Other Dracula’s cast members have other projects too, Thomas Kretschmann (V.Helsing) will play Baron von Strucker in the Avengers, Katie McGrath (Lucy) has signed up recently for Jurassic World, Nonso Anozie (Renfield) is working in a couple of movies too, etc. Schedules can be worked out. Actors usually are involved in more than one project.

  28. So much for your words ” a note to all the fans of shows that are not Revolution: that one is going to kick your butt in this poll if the previous poll is any indication. But you can at least shoot for a strong second place!”
    Look who is miles ahead in the poll DRACULA, Revolution can be proud to finish second to the amazing DRACULA. Dracula is and will win this poll #SaveDracula

  29. #SaveAlmostHuman

    FOX had no idea what to do with it and when they realized that they couldn’t kill it off they backtracked, but by then it was too late and their mishandling is now legendary.

  30. Where’s the NONE OF THE ABOVE option?

    Seriously kiddies, if this is the best **cough-cough** sci-fi you can come up with, quit now. FFS, just stop embarrassing yourselves.

  31. Words are not enough to say how pissed off and sad I am that #Dracula got cancelled. The show is a true gem, I love absolutely everything of it, and WANT IT BACK!

    1. A whole bunch of us Dracula fans are boycotting them. For some, it is very easy since, just as yourself, Dracula is the only show they watched in that network. Others liked another one or two of their shows, but now are not watching those either. And I know that some fans of the other cancelled NBC shows like Revolution are doing the same.
      For me is super easy, Dracula is the only “network tv” show I watched since Lost, so I’m taking my boycott a little further, including Universal Entertainment as a whole. No movies, music, DVDs for me and my family. Not a cent from my money for them anymore.

  32. Bring back Drac!!! SOOOO upset that it was cancelled! Dracula was literally the best television show I have ever watched. Superb actors, script, costumes, sets, everything.

  33. CANCELATION?!?! That decision of the Mundanic Trolls in suits was made based on absolute incompetence. “They” lack the intelligence, promotional strategy and the overall knowledge of what drives the popularity and attraction to an iconic figure called, DRACULA. Apparently, it is unknown to “Them” about a growing viewership that finds certain, let’s say…..”visual decadents”, entertaining. So now what once was overlooked and buried, has now risen into the spotlight. Recognize the votes of his Fans. Yield! Bring the Prince of the Night. The Lover of Desire, Passion, Power Blood and Lust…….BRING BACK DRACULA!!!.♥.

  34. Dracula was / is a masterpiece. It’s criminal that it was cancelled. With all the crap on television these days, a good show worth watching, graces the screen. Millions of fans are outraged that such a great show is gone, while stupid reality shows, and horribly written scripted shows still clutter the airwaves. Hey networks, time to get your sh*t together and learn to see the forrest for the trees.

  35. Dracula for sure you do this get us hooked and then the rug gets pulled out from under us and you leave us hanging WHY

  36. Please NBC reconsider bringing back Dracula…true time slot was awful, not promoted enough, 3 week break but with all of that the show went up in ratings. As a 60 year old woman, I grew up with the ugly Dracs with the same story.. This is a love story, beautifully played by Jonathan Ryhs Meyers and Jessica DeGown..also Lady Jane was awesome. Love the twists in this show and the fans need to see a second season…there is so much crap on TV, but this was truely done exquisitly. Please look at voting polls and petitions and listen to your fans…thank you.

  37. My earlier reply was not posted. I can guess why, I say Dracula is the very best adaptation I have ever seen and I have been around a long long time.

  38. There’s enough vampire stuff out there! #relocaterevolution !!! This show has such an amazing cast!! & it keeps me interested each and every show!

  39. Dracula was the ONLY reason I had to watch NBC. I looked forward to Friday nights to watch it, then immediately rewatch on my dvr. Cole Haddon and the writers had a great vision with Dracula and brought it to fruition. The locations, sets and costumes were lush and beautiful and made the viewer feel like they had stepped back into the Victorian era. Dracula.also has an amazing cast who brought the characters to life. Also for anyone to insinuate that the series failed because of a star problem (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) is absolutely bogus. Jonathan is the most compelling Dracula I have ever seen on screen, almost 20,000 in this poll said so, also over 25,000 people who signed a petition that was sent to NBC said so too.

  40. Dracula, damnit!!!!!! I’m so pissed it got cancelled, it was EXCELLENT! We don’t want any more super hero series, and no more lame emo ass teeny vampire crap. We want real horror stories. It had such critical acclaim, but greedy bastards at NBC thought it was not enough. Please someone bring it back!

  41. No way those numbers are right. Revolution can’t get 10,000 people to sign a petition and Dracula has no chance of being rescued due to their stars problems. Starcrossed at least has a loyal following who shows up.

    1. Couldn’t have said it better myself 🙂 #stargazers have united and we will save #starcrossed what Eva it takes.

    2. Yeah, that’s right, Revolution couldn’t get 10,000 people to sign their petition. Instead, they got 34,000 and counting. That’s a real loyal following…

  42. Dracula is an amazing show, it is a classic tale with fantastic twists by Cole Hadden. It was sexy,slick, had unexpected twists. It was not predictible. It had an amazing cast, on screen chemistries, fantastic writing, costumes and actors.
    It was sophisticated writting. Each episode drew you into it more and more.
    NBC did not advertise it well, put it in a bad slot friday night, they did li ttle interviews with cast.
    The three week gap in the middle of the series did not help YET as the series went on the numbers went up in ratings as more people learned about Dracula and how brilliant it was.
    It was left with a lot of loss ends, plots that were just beginning. It needs a second season badly.
    If it does not in urs to come it will be seen as a masterpiece that was stopped before its time was up.

    Go to twitter @save_dracula to help in the campaign to bring it back. We are aiming at netflix, and also Syfy owned by NBC hoping NBC give Dracula a reprieve and put it on syfy for a season2 see hpw it does.
    #SaveDracula #DraculaForSyfy #NetflixSaveDracula

    What hurt fans was just as the news was breaking Dracula was axed, NBC was already advertising another show on its twitter page.

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