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The OA

Status: Cancelled
Aired: 2016-19, 2 Seasons Totaling 16 Episodes
Series Premiere: December 16, 2016
Network: Netflix
Starring: Brit Marling, Emory Cohen, Scott Wilson, Phyllis Smith, Alice Krige
Series Website:

Description: To some, she’s a miracle. To others, a freak. Only a few understand where she’s been: to the brink of an unseen world.

Status: Netflix has been in the business of cancelling lately and the streamer appears more interested in churning through shows than keeping them around for multiple seasons. The OA apparently got caught up in that sweep and did not even get the third season nod that most shows seem to get from that streamer. If fans plan on lobbying for another season, the best strategy is to take to the social networks and try to convince people to sign up for Netflix to watch the show. That would increase subscriptions and appeal to the bottom line, and would get the attention of Netflix execs.

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