Status: Returning, 4th Season Airs 2025
Timeslot: TBA
Premiere: TBA
Network: USA/Syfy
Starring: Alan Tudyk, Sara Tomko, Corey Reynolds, Alice Wetterlund, Levi Fiehler
Series Website:
Description: The stranded, curious alien Dr. Harry tends to patients in the sleepy town of Patience, Washington. Questions about the town’s previous doctor arise when a strange briefcase is found leading to the crash of the alien vessel sent to destroy the Earth.
Note: This is based on the comic book of the same name created by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse.
Streaming: New episodes are available next day for streaming on Peacock and past seasons are there as well.
You can see the current schedule of sci fi and fantasy shows at this link.
This show has been renewed for a fourth season and will be moving to the USA Network and have a budget cut of $500K per episode. More on that at this link.
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