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Resident Alien

Status: Returning, 4th Season Airs 2025
Timeslot: TBA
Premiere: TBA
Network: USA/Syfy
Starring: Alan Tudyk, Sara Tomko, Corey Reynolds, Alice Wetterlund, Levi Fiehler
Series Website:

Description: The stranded, curious alien Dr. Harry tends to patients in the sleepy town of Patience, Washington. Questions about the town’s previous doctor arise when a strange briefcase is found leading to the crash of the alien vessel sent to destroy the Earth.

Note: This is based on the comic book of the same name created by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse.

Streaming: New episodes are available next day for streaming on Peacock and past seasons are there as well.

Season 3 Trailer:

You can see the current schedule of sci fi and fantasy shows at this link.


This show has been renewed for a fourth season and will be moving to the USA Network and have a budget cut of $500K per episode. More on that at this link.

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